I’m getting down to the wire here and I’m not making my speed goals, so it’s real possible I won’t make my 4:59 Marathon Finish goal, either, and that really has me tweaked, but I better either get used to it or pull a miracle out of my hat because my current performance does not predict a 4:59 finish.  Drat!

I was relatively sure that I was not going to pull of 5.4 miles at 7 mph today, but I decided to use the time that I had to give it my best shot.   I had an hour and 45 minutes which would have been more, more, more than enough to just do the run, if I had the speed, but, apparently, I don’t, so I didn’t get anywhere near my goal.

I warmed up for over 3 miles before I was ready to try 7 mph, and then I was only able to hold it for one mile.  Another 1.7 miles later, I was ready to try it again and managed to pull off one more mile at 7 mph, but then I needed to slow down for 8/10ths of a mile before trying it again.  I did manage one more mile at 7 mph, bringing my grand total to three, non-consecutive 7 mph miles, not 5.4 continuous miles, which was the goal.  Aaaargh!!!

With all the warm-up and resting and cool-down, however, my mileage total was just over 9 miles, so I did get in some distance, even if I didn’t hit my speed.  Oh well!